Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Herein ends 1.0

It has been a while since my last posting, but fear not, the story is far from over. We've had tremendous progress on the Detroit sustainability front. From mass sunflower plantings to locally made self watering window boxes. The battle rages on with our local leaders vs. the grass roots activists. We had a City Council vote to not renew the incinerator contract, Of course, the ruling has since been vetoed by the mayor.

As promised, the AIA Communities by Design Sustainable Design Assessment Team (SDAT) report has been published. So this ends the first phase of Detroit Sustainable City 1.0. Phase 2 will be taking these recommendations to the streets and getting a new government in place that can comprehend the 10 to 20 year outlook for the city and how to respond accordingly.

The report can be found here:

So herein ends Detroit Sustainable City 1.0. Join us on the new blog for Phase 2 of Detroit's green transformation at Detroit sustainability 2.0

Thanks for tuning in and we look forward to seeing you on the new page and the new era. Great things to come and no prisoners will be taken on the frontlines of the battle towards a sustainable global future, starting here in Detroit.