Friday, September 5, 2008

Kill, Baby, the name of energy independence

That seems to be the mantra of the Republican ticket coming from today's rally in Sterling Heights. First, click on the link to the right to get yourself situated. I call it 'Killing in the name of'.

So, what are the Republicans killing now? From Sarah Palin adamantly stating a few days ago, that under John Mcain's presidency, that they will lay new pipeline; to John Mcain, declaring today, with no uncertainty, they will drill for more oil offshore.

Normally, national topics like ANW[a]R would not be addressed in this blog, but when Michiganders start screaming 'Kill, Baby, Kill', even if it's in Alaska, i can't help but think, Hey, this is my planet they are screaming about killing, and this mob
of sheep, bah-bahing to the Wolf in the Exxon suit, was a mere few miles from my doorstep today. If they are so hell bent on committing global suicide not only for themselves, but for their children as well, then maybe they should just do us a favor and cut to the quick.

We already know that Michigan is the backdoor for Canadian shale oil. That's the devil i can trust. The devil i don't know, is the one i thought i might try and listen too and get a feel for. A war hero, and a good smile, he seemed like a person i would want to like. But today's little demonstration has given me due cause to align on the other side of the fence.

Not that anyone cares about my political views. Let's just say, i was even willing to give Palin a chance, if it meant there was the possibility of a Playboy spread. But that woman puts Hillary's pursuit of power into a warm light. The dark, cold abyss emanates from those two, Mcain/Palin. At least Hillary had something to prove. This woman only has something to gain.

So what does a Michigan future look like from it's citizens screaming for blood thousands miles away? What does that signify for our irreplaceable natural resources that we swim in and camp in and breathe in, right out our front doors?

If Republicans want jobs and cheap energy, i don't see the problem with giving it to them. I only ask that we not be zombies. I simply ask that every Republican, Democrat, Independent or impartial observer, to ask themselves first, 'is this what i want? or is this what they tell me i want?'. We cannot simply take what they give us. We have nothing to gain from four more years. We have gained nothing in the past eight. We only have everything to lose.

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